Reg so Kevin - ‘n Nokia N97 kos omtrent A$450, wat ‘n aansienlike entjie weg is van die oorspronklike $150 of selfs $180. Nou kan ek maar sommer twee stuur as ek graag sou wou.
Dear Chester Williams
The model you will buy is N97 or N96 if you have the money to buy too I will be very happy one for me as a gift then I will sale one and help you pay and remember after buying it if you go to send it if they ask you why are you sending the phone to Ghana tell them that is your friend there send money to you to help him buy it and send to him
Another thing please remember that I am not in Gambia I am in Accra Ghana not Gambia because I see where you write Gambia so mind you is Accra Ghana. And please if you want to send it go to DHL and send it that will be very fast than any other company and please do not forget to give them this phone number 0249141364 to call as soon as the phone rich here in Accra Ghana
Here is the Address and the receivers name
Thanks and I am waiting for the airway bill as soon as you buy the phone and send it through DHL
Mr. Kelvin
Gierigheid lei tot armoede, sê hulle...
Hy het dadelik die Ghambia ding opgetel, wat beteken die adres in Ghana is heel waarskynlik korrek. My vermoede is dat hy eintlik “Emeka John Paul” is, as daar ooit so iemand bestaan. Nie dat dit saak maak nie...
Ek speel toe eers die wag-‘n-bietjie speletjie. Laat hy bietjie sweet, hy lek al sy lippe af vir die foon.
So twee dae later gooi ek hierdie email na hom toe. Persoonlik dink ek hierdie was een van my beste stukkies oorspronklike skryfwerk in 'n lang tyd:
Dear Kevin,
I have tried DHL, but they are extremely expensive. They are really being very evocative with this expedition.[bwahaha - wat de hel beteken dit??]
Anyway, I have been looking around for the phones, and have found something. The supplier said that this phone will have non-inverting trimodiodes, but it will also work fine in Ghana and Brazil. It also has the following:
TFT resistive touchscreen,
16M colors
Erotic ringtones and vibrations
microSD (TransFlash), up to 16GB
HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps
Full 3D mp3 downloads from the Luky Dube album
Touch sensitive voice modulation via bluetooth and z-waves
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, UPnP technology
Jacob Zuma showerhead faceplate design - South Africas favourite style at the moment
ARM 11 434 MHz processor
MP5 version of all the songs from the Village people.
Auschwitz© AMF - (arbeit macht frei) special clip-on silencer modulator made in Germany
MP4, 2592x1944 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, LED flash light, video
anti-hijack warning system
tazer with exponential afterburner
Digital compass MP3/WMA/WAV/eAAC+/MP4/M4V player MPEG4/WMV/3gp/Flash video playerTV-outVoice command/dialPocket Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF viewer)Video and photo editorFlash Lite 3T9
And many more things. I am not much of an expert - I only use my phone to call my business partners at Leehman brothers, but it looks like these phones these days are getting really provocative. I never thought you'd be able to play music and go on the internet with a cell phone? This is truly amazing.
I just hope you would be able to sell the phone over there, what if it doesn't work? Are you sure it works in Gambia?
Anyway, the good news is that the other company was much cheaper, and I have sent it via the waybill with Fedex. I hope you have Fedex over there, because they said so, and they took my package today. It should reach you early Saturday, if not Saturday, it will be Sunday - they go 24hours, 7 days a week.
Anyway, the waybill is ready and I have a copy - if you want a copy of the waybill I can email it to you. Let me know.
So, my friend, once again, thank you for helping. Please let me know as soon as you get the phones, and please let me know when my package will arrive from Global Couriers.
Kyk mooi na daai lys van spesifikasies. Ek het so paar goed gevat van die Nokia website af - regte funksies wat die foon het - en toe gooi ek ‘n klomp science-fiction baie subtiel tussen-in.
Van die goed wat voor-die-hand-liggend moronies moet wees, is onder andere:
Touch sensitive voice modulation via bluetooth and z-waves (wat de hel is z-waves?)
Jacob Zuma showerhead faceplate design - South Africas favourite style at the moment
MP5 version of all the songs from the Village people.
my persoonlike gunsteling:
Auschwitz© AMF - (arbeit macht frei) special clip-on silencer modulator made in Germany
anti-hijack warning system
tazer with exponential afterburner
Nugter weet natuurlik wat “non-inverting trimodiodes” kan wees?
Weereens het ek gedink dit gaan hierdie ou laat wakker skrik, maar hy het my nog ‘n slag verbaas met sy swak algemene kennis.
Ek moet erken ek het verwag dat die “Leehman brothers” ding oor sy kop sal gaan. As hy egter net die moeite gedoen het om te Google, sou hy weet dat Lehman brothers verantwoordelik was vir die grootste gedeelte van die globale resessie wat ons almal nou wêreld-wyd beleef. Wys jou net - dit help om op hoogte te bly van wat in die wêreld aangaan.
Chester verwys natuurlik weereens na Ghambia, net vir die plesier daarvan.
Lees in die volgende aflewering wat volgende gebeur het.
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